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VAN & vAuto

Make Smart Acquisitions with VAN and vAuto's Extensive Local Car Listings

This partnership allows ProfitTime GPS customers access to the most comprehensive listing of cars available for private party sale in their local market. This enables you to quickly identify the most profitable vehicles for acquisition so that you can make intelligent, profitable buying decisions.

Seamless Platform Connections
VAN's partnership with vAuto enables seamless, automated integration of all classified listings into the vAuto platform. This collaboration allows dealers to access Global Acquisition, empowering them to make faster, data-driven decisions regarding Street Purchase opportunities.
Elevate Your Stocking Strategy
Combining your strategic actions with your stocking grade allows you to hyper-focus on the classified listings that will have the biggest impact for your dealership, helping you prioritize which listings to engage with effectively.

access to hundreds of thousands of private sellers

Additional Profit*
Reduce Vehicle Search Time*

*Results Based on VAN Accelerate Usage


Why Do I Need Both Platforms?

Tracking of your teams activities are paramount in the current competitive landscape of today’s automotive marketplace. When you’re leveraging integrated tools, it facilities efficiencies and scale.


access to hundreds of thousands of private sellers

Record Notes - Pushing them to CRM

Click to Call/Text - Embedded Communication Tool

Listing History - Quickly Identify Price Reductions

Plate to VIN

Customized View of the SRP

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